Videnskabelige bidrag

Videnskabelige bidrag

Videnskabelige bidrag er typisk videnskabelige artikler på dansk og engelsk, kapitler i bøger, redigerede bøger og bøger. Nedenfor kan du finde oversigter over, hvad der er publiceret hvert år på Center for Rusmiddelforsknings siden 2010.

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Artikler, peer review

Antin, Tamar M.J.; Hunt, Geoffrey / Embodying both stigma and satisfaction: an interview study of African American women.
I: Critical Public Health, Vol. 23, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 17-31. doi: 10.1080/09581596.2011.634784.

Athey, Nicolas C. ; Bouchard, Martin; Decorte, Tom ; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Hakkarainen, Pekka / Cannabis cultivation and detection: A comparative study of Belgium, Finland and Denmark.
I: Drugs, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 203-215. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.760532.

Demant, Jakob / Affected in the nightclub. A case study of regular clubbers’ conflictual practices in nightclubs.
I: International Journal of Drug Policy, Vol. 24, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 196-202. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2013.04.005.

Demant, Jakob; Ravn, Signe / Communicating trust between parents and children: A study of adolescent's alcohol use.
I: Journal of Adolescent Research, Vol. 28, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 325-347. doi: 10.1177/0743558413477198.

Demant, Jakob; Krarup, Troels Magelund / The Structural Configurations of Alcohol in Denmark: Policy, Culture, and Industry. 
I: Contemporary Drug Problems, Vol. 40, Nr. 2, 2013. 

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Christensen, Anne-Sofie; Dahl, Helle Vibeke / Cannabis use during a life course – integrating cannabis use into everyday life.
I: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 44-50. doi: 10.1108/17459261311310844.

Hesse, Morten / The ASRS-6 has two latent factors: attention deficit and hyper-activity.
I: Journal of Attention Disorders, Vol. 17, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 203-207. doi: 10.1177/1087054711430330.

Houborg, Esben / Kampen om metadon i 1970´ernes Danmark : Medikalisering af behandling for stofmisbrug.
I: Bibliotek for Laeger, Vol. 205, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 4-36. 

Meijer, Mathias; Bloomfield, Kim; Engholm, Gerda / Neighbourhoods matter too: the association between neigbourhood socioeconomic position, population density and breast, protaste and lung cancer incidence in Denmark between 2004 and 2008.
I: Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, Vol. 67, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 6-13. doi: 10.1136/jech-2011-200192.

Møller, Kim / Illicit Drug Use Initiation in the Nordic Countries.
I: International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, Vol. 2, 2013, s. 79-86. doi: 10.6000/1929-4409.2013.02.8.

Tutenges, Sébastien / Stirring up effervescence: An ethnographic study of youth at a nightlife resort.
I: Leisure Studies, Vol. 32, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 233-248. doi: 10.1080/02614367.2011.627372.

Videnskabelige bøger/antologier og bidrag til antologier

Bloomfield, Kim; Stock, Christiane / Neighbourhood structure and alcohol and other drug use : Implications for prevention. Neighbourhood Structure and Health Promotion. red. / Christiane Stock; Anne Ellaway. New York : Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013. s. 287-303. 

Grittner, Ulrike; Bloomfield, Kim / Mathematical approaches to analysing area-level effects on health. Neighbourhood Structure and Health Promotion. red. / Christiane Stock; Anne Ellaway. New York978-1-4614-6671-0 : Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013. s. 177-200. 

Sanders, Bill; Valdez, Avelardo; Hunt, Geoffrey; Joe-Laidler, Karen; Moloney, Molly; Cepeda, Alice / Gang youth, risk behaviors, and negative health outcomes. Crime, HIV and Health: Intersection of Criminal Justice and Public Health. red. / Bill Sanders; Yonette F. Thomas; Bethany Griffin Deeds. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2013. s. 113-129.

Bidrag til tidsskrift


Frank, Vibeke Asmussen / EMCDDA INSIGHTS 11, New heroin-assisted drug treatment - Recent evidence and current practices of supervised injectable heroin treatment in Europe and beyond by Strang, J., T. Groshkova & N. Meltrebian.
I: Drugs, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, 2013, s. 160-161. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.755869.


Klein, Axel; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Nielsen, Bjarke / Drugs - trends, policy and practices in the Nordic countries.
I: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 13, Nr. 1, 2013, s. 3-6. 

Neale, Joanne; Hunt, Geoffrey; Lankenau, Stephen; Mayock, Paula; Miller, Peter; Sheridan, Janie; Small, Will; Treloar, Carla / Addiction journal is committed to publishing qualitative research.
I: Addiction, Vol. 108, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 447-449. doi: 10.1111/add.12051.


Pedersen, M.U., Pedersen, M.M. & Villumsen, S. (2013): DanRIS 2012 - STOF, Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Artikler, ikke peer review

Tutenges, Sébastien / The Media Coverage of Nightlife Tourism.
I: Iconocrazia, Nr. 2, 2013.


Møller, Kim / Københavns kommune vil legalisere hash-salg.
I: STOF, Nr. 21, 2013, s. 4-9. 

Møller, Kim / Bandekrig - Blodbrødre og håndlangere.
I: STOF, Nr. 21, 2013, s. 17-18.


Artikler, peer review

Antin, Tamar M.J.; Hunt, Geoffrey / Food choice as a multidimensional experience: A qualitative study with young African American women.
I: Appetite, Vol. 58, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 856-863. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.01.021.

Barrat, Monica J. ; Bouchard, Martin; Decorte, Tom ; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Hakkarainen, Pekka; Lenton, Simon; Malm, Aili ; Nguyen, Holly ; Potter, Gary R. / Understanding global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation.
I: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 213-221. doi: 10.1108/17459261211286627.

Elmeland, Karen; Kolind, Torsten / 'Why don’t they just do what we tell them?’ Different alcohol prevention discourses in Denmark.
I: Young, Vol. 20, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 177-197. doi: 10.1177/110330881202000204.

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Anker, Jørgen; Tammi, Tuukka / Drug user organisations in the Nordic countries - local, national and international dimensions.
I: Substance Use and Misuse, Vol. 47, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 462-473. doi: 10.3109/10826084.2012.644095.

Grittner, Ulrike; Kuntsche, Sandra; Graham, Kathryn ; Bloomfield, Kim / Social inequalities and gender differences in the experience of alcohol-related problems.
I: Alcohol and Alcoholism, Vol. 47, Nr. 5, 09.2012, s. 597-605. doi: 10.1093/alcalc/ags040.

Guldager, Steen; Linneberg, Inger Holm; Hesse, Morten / Order of age at onset for substance use, substance use disorder, conduct disorder and psychiatric illness.
I: Mental Health and Substance Use, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 73-84. doi: 10.1080/17523281.2011.616178.

Hesse, Morten; Tutenges, Sébastien; Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Kofoed, Pernille Bouteloup / An exploratory prospective study of young people's drinking during a holiday.
I: Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 485–496. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0042-7.

Hesse, Morten; Guldager, Steen; Linneberg, Inger Holm / Convergent validity of MCMI-III clinical syndrome scales.
I: British Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 51, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 172-184. doi: 10.1111/j.2044-8260.2011.02019.x.

Hesse, Morten; Tutenges, Sébastien / Music and substance preferences among festival attendants.
I: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 82-88. doi: 10.1108/17459261211235100.

Hesse, Morten; Thylstrup, Birgitte / Screening substance dependent patients for mental disorders with the Kessler-6.
I: Journal of Dual Diagnosis, Vol. 8, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 229-237. doi: 10.1080/15504263.2012.696183.

Houborg, Esben / The Political Pharmacology of Methadone and Heroin in Danish Drug Policy.
I: Contemporary Drug Problems, Vol. 39, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 155-192.

Ingholt, Liselotte; Sørensen, Betina Bang; Axel, Erik; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen / Rusmidler på tekniske skoler: Forebyggelse, fællesskab og faglige rammer.
I: Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 467-484. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0041-8.

Jensen, Didde Cramer; Nørgaard, Birgitte; Draborg, Eva; Vestergaard , Erik; Odgaard, Eva ; Sørensen, Jan / Organizational evaluation of an interprofessional study unit : Results from a Danish case study.
I: Journal of Interprofessional Care, Vol. 26, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 497-504. doi: 10.3109/13561820.2012.715097.

Joe-Laidler, Karen; Hunt, Geoffrey / Moving Beyond the Gang-Drug-Violence Connection.
I: Drugs, Vol. 19, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 442-452. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.702144.

Kolind, Torsten; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Dahl, Helle Vibeke; Haller, Mie Birk / Prison drug treatment in Denmark: A historical outline and an analysis of the political debate.
I: Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 547-560. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0046-3.

Mackrill, Thomas; Hesse, Morten / Suicide behavior in parents with alcohol abuse problems and suicide behavior in their offspring-adult offspring and counselor perspectives.
I: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 66, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 343-348. doi: 10.3109/08039488.2011.650196.

Mackrill, Thomas; Elklit, Ask; Lindgaard, Helle / Treatment-seeking young adults from families with alcohol problems. What have they been through? What state are they in?.
I: Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, Vol. 12, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 276-286. doi: 10.1080/14733145.2012.662519.

Meijer, Mathias; Röhl, Jeannette; Bloomfield, Kim; Grittner, Ulrike / Do neighborhoods affect individual mortality? : A systematic review and meta-analysis of multilevel studies.
I: Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 74, Nr. 8, 2012, s. 1204-1212. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.11.034.

Meijer, Mathias ; Kejs, Anne Mette; Stock, Christiane; Bloomfield, Kim; Ejstrud, Bo; Schlattmann, Peter / Population density, socioeconomic environment and all-cause mortality : A multilevel survival analysis of 2.7 million individuals in Denmark.
I: Health & Place, Vol. 18, Nr. 2, 2012, s. 391-399. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2011.12.001.

Moloney, Molly; Hunt, Geoffrey / Consumption, Drugs, and Style: Constructing Intra-Ethnic Boundaries in Asian American Youth Cultures.
I: Drugs, Vol. 19, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 462-473. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.702143.

Møller, Kim / Costs and Revenues in Street-Level Cannabis Dealing.
I: Trends in Organized Crime, Vol. 15, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 31-46. doi: 10.1007/s12117-011-9146-9.

Møller, Kim / Estimating drug policy expenditures : Direct costs of policing cannabis in Copenhagen 2000-2009.
I: Drugs, Vol. 19, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 379-386. doi:10.3109/09687637.2012.658888.

Møller, Kim / The Freedom to Drink and the Freedom to Sell Drink : A Hundred Years of Danish Alcohol Control Policy.
I: Journal of Policy History, Vol. 24, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 499-517. doi: 10.1353/jph.2012.0017.

Ravn, Signe / Contested identities: Identity constructions in a youth recreational drug culture.
I: European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 15, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 513-527. doi: 10.1177/1367549412442209.

Ravn, Signe / Managing Drug Use in Danish Club Settings: A normalized enterprise?
I: Young, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 257-276. doi: 10.1177/110330881202000303.

Ravn, Signe; Demant, Jakob / Prevalence and Perceptions of Ketamine Use among Danish Clubbers: a Mixed Method Study.
I: Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 397-412. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0035-6.

Stock, Christiane; Bloomfield, Kim; Ejstrud, Bo; Vinther-Larsen, Mathilde; Meijer, Mathias; Grønbæk, Morten; Grittner, Ulrike / Are characteristics of the school district associated with active transportation to school in Danish adolescents?
I: European Journal of Public Health, Vol. 22, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 398-404. doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckr111.

Tutenges, Sébastien / Nightlife tourism : A mixed methods study of young tourists at an international nightlife resort.
I: Tourist Studies, Vol. 12, Nr. 2, 08.2012, s. 131-150. doi: 10.1177/1468797612454250.

Tutenges, Sébastien; Jæger, Mads Meier; Hesse, Morten / The influence of guides on alcohol consumption among young tourists at a nightlife resort.
I: American Journal on Addictions, Vol. 21, Nr. s1, 2012, s. S72-S76. doi: 10.1111/j.1521-0391.2012.00291.x.

Videnskabelig bøger/antologier og bidrag til antologier

Bjerge, Bagga / Structural reform as New Public Management policy : Three dilemmas in Danish substance misuse treatment. A Welfare Policy Patchwork: Negotiating the Public Good in Times of Transition. red. / Matilda Hellman; Gun Roos; Julius von Wright. Helsinki : Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues, 2012. s. 181-201.

Dahl, Helle Vibeke (Redaktør); Frank, Vibeke Asmussen (Redaktør) / Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. 223 s. (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2).

Demant, Jakob / Alkohol - et ualmindeligt almindeligt produkt. Mad, mennesker og måltider: Samfundsvidenskabelige perspektiver. red. / Lotte Holm; Søren Tange Kristensen. 2.udg. Munksgård Danmark, 2012. s. 211-226. 

Demant, Jakob / Natural Interactions in Artifical Situations: Focus Groups as an Active Social Experiment. An Ethnography of Global Landscapes and Corridors. red. / Loshini Naidoo. Rijeka : InTech - Open Access Publisher, 2012. s. 57-88.

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Christensen, Anne-Sofie; Villumsen, Susanne; Dahl, Helle Vibeke / Dyrkning af cannabis i Danmark. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 147-171 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Dahl, Helle Vibeke / Introduktion: Cannabis i Danmark. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 7-19 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Hesse, Morten; Tutenges, Sébastien / Hashrygere på Roskilde Festival. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 73-82 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Houborg, Esben; Schjødt Vammen, Katrine / Hashbekymringer 1965-1969. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 23-49 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Kolind, Torsten / Hverdagens sociale orden i danske fængsler : Cannabisbrug og fængselsbetjentes magtstrategier. Cannabis: forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 199-223 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Møller, Kim / Bandekriminalitet - Indkomstgenerering og (a)socialisering. Skyggelandet: Ungdomskultur, kriminalitetskultur og bandekultur i dansk belysning . red. / Michael Hviid Jacobsen. Odense : Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 81-100 (University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, Vol. 439).

Møller, Kim / Forbrug, kontrol og normalisering af cannabis. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 51-72 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2).Publikation: Forskning - peer review › Bidrag til bog/antologi

Møller, Kim / From harm reduction to use reduction : The development of Danish cannabis policy. A Welfare Policy Patchwork : Negotiating the Public Good in Times of Transition. red. / Matilda Hellman; Gun Roos; Julius von Wright. Helsinki : Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues, 2012. s. 225-240. 

Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Herold, Maria Dich / Teenagere der misbruger hash og andre stoffer : Inklusion og integration i familie- og vennenetværk. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 103-125 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Sørensen, Betina Bang; Ingholt, Liselotte; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen / Fortællinger om hash på tekniske skoler - elevernes perspektiver. Cannabis - Forbrug, interventioner og marked i Danmark. red. / Helle Vibeke Dahl; Vibeke Asmussen Frank. Aarhus : Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012. s. 83-102 (Samfund og rusmidler; Nr. 2). 

Pedersen, Mads Uffe / Inpatient treatment of drug abusers. 2012 National Report to the EMCCDA by the Reitox National Focal Point: New Development, Trends and in-depth information on selected Issuses. København : Sundhedsstyrelsen, 2012. s. 85-92.

Bidrag til tidsskrift


Frank, Vibeke Asmussen / Caroline Chatwin (2011). Drug Policy Harmonization and the European Union. New York: palgrave macmillan, 2011 (ISBN 0230271863). 
I: Drugs, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 270-271. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.669343

Houborg, Esben / Controversies in drugs policy and practice, by Neil McKeganey. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan, 2011 (ISBN 978-0-230-23594-3).
I: Drugs, Vol. 19, Nr. 5, 2012, s. 427-428. doi: 10.3109/09687637.2012.700577.

Kolind, Torsten / Scripting Addiction. The Politics of Therapeutic Talk and American Sobriety.
I: Ethnos, Vol. 77, Nr. 2, 06.2012, s. 284-285. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2011.637160


Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Kolind, Torsten / Prison based drug treatment and rehabilitation in the Nordic countries.
I: Nordisk Alkohol- & Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 6, 2012, s. 543-546. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0045-4.


Møller, Kim / Letter on the Copenhagen City council's suggestion to legalize cannabis.
I: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, 2012, s. 27-28. doi: 10.1108/17459261211211674


Nielsen, Bjarke (2012). Agens i socialt arbejde. Møder mellem socialarbejdere og klienter med & uden etnisk minoritetsbaggrund i ambulant stofmisbrugsbehandling. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Ravn, Signe (2012). Intoxicated Interactions. Clubbers talking about their drug use. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.


Demant, Jakob; Ravn, Signe / Good practices and interventions for the prevention of alcohol use among Danish juveniles : Country report for AAA-prevent, WP7 2012. Aarhus : Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University, 2012. 13 s.

Hesse, Morten; Thylstrup, Birgitte; Schrøder, Sidsel / Rapport om døgnbehandling af stofmisbrug. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 91 s.

Hesse, Morten; Thylstrup, Birgitte; Mellentin, A.I. / Undersøgelse af korttidsbehandling for komorbiditet. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 76 s.

Kolind, Torsten; Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Frederiksen, Kirsten Skovsgaard; Nielsen, Bjarke; Holm, Karina Ellegaard / Litteraturstudie af fængselsbaseret stof- og alkoholbehandling. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 38 s.

Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Pedersen, Michael Mulbjerg; Villumsen, Susanne / DanRIS 2011 - STOF : Dansk Registrerings- og InformationsSystem. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 227 s.

Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Pedersen, Michael Mulbjerg; Villumsen, Susanne / DanRIS 2011 - STOF : Dansk Registrerings- og InformationsSystem, Ambulant behandling. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 245 s.

Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Hesse, Morten / Effekten af den sociale stofmisbrugsbehandling. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 29 s.

Pedersen, Mads Uffe; Frederiksen, Kirsten Skovsgaard / Unge der misbruger rusmidler : Hvor mange, behov, behandling og stofforbrug efter behandling. Aarhus : Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 52 s.

Thylstrup, Birgitte / God social misbrugsbehandling : Hvad virker og hvad kan der gøres. København: Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet, 2012. 30 s.

Artikler, ikke peer review

Hesse, Morten; Thylstrup, Birgitte / Practice between Scylla and Charybdis. I: Nordisk Alkohol- och Narkotikatidskrift, Vol. 29, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 273-275. doi: 10.2478/v10199-012-0020-0

Tutenges, Sébastien / Scandalous Societies. I: Secessio, Vol. 1, Nr. 1, 2012.


Christensen, Anne-Sofie; Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Dahl, Helle Vibeke / Danske cannabisdyrkeres syn på legalisering.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 19, 2012, s. 23-26.

Demant, Jakob / Det er de unges by om natten.
I: Berlingske Tidende, 17.02.2012.

Demant, Jakob; Krarup, Troels / Den sundhedsløse alkoholpolitik.
I: Berlingske Tidende, 04.01.2012.

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Dahl, Helle Vibeke; Christensen, Anne-Sofie; Madsen, Anette / Dyrker du cannabis?
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 2012, s. 48-51.

Frank, Vibeke Asmussen; Bjerge, Bagga; Houborg, Esben / Substitutionsbehandling i Danmark.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 2012, s. 106-109.

Hesse, Morten; Thylstrup, Birgitte / Psyken og rusmiddelbrug - 10 års forskning i misbrug og psykiske problemer.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 2012, s. 46-47.

Jensen, Didde Cramer / Adfærd - batter det noget i forsøget på at undslippe en sanktion?
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 19, 2012, s. 44-45. 

Poulsen, Merete / Sherwood.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 12.2012, s. 12-12.

Thylstrup, Birgitte; Hesse, Morten / Hvordan ser det ud under og efter døgnbehandling?
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 19, 2012, s. 66-71.

Tutenges, Sébastien / Det brune værtshus.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 2012, s. 16-18.

Tutenges, Sébastien / Noter om natten.
I: STOF - Tidsskrift for misbrugsområdet, Nr. 20, 2012, s. 8.


Artikler, peer review

Antin, T. M. & Hunt, G. (2011). Embodying both stigma and satisfaction: an interview study of African American women. Critical Public Health.

Bloomfield, K., Wicki, M., Wilsnack, S., Hughes, T. & Gmel, G. (2011). International differences in alcohol use according to sexual orientation. Substance Abuse, 32(4), 210-219.

Bohart, A., Tallman, K., Byock, G., & Mackrill, T. (2011). The "Research Jury Method": The Application of the Jury Trial Model to Evaluating the Validity of Descriptive and Causal Statements about Psychotherapy Process and Outcome. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 7(1), 101-144.

Briggs, D., Tutenges, S., Armitage, R. & Panchev, D. (2011). Sexy substances and the substance of sex: Findings from an ethnographic study in Ibiza, Spain. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 11(4), 173-187.

Demant, J. & Heinskou, M. B. (2011). Taking a chance: Sex, alcohol & acquaintance rape. Young, 19(4), 397-415.

Demant, J., & Houborg, E. (2011). Alkoholindustriens disciplinering af nydelse. Forebyggelseskampagner til unge i Danmark. Nordisk Alkohol- og Narkotikatidskrift, 28 (4), 339 - 355.

Demant, J., & Järvinen, M. (2011). Social capital as norms and resources - focus groups discussing alcohol. Addiction Research and Theory, 19(2), 91-101.

Demant, J. & Törrönen, J. (2011). Changing drinking styles in Denmark and Finland. Fragmentation of male and female drinking among young adults. Substance Use and Misuse, 46( 10), 1244-1255.

Fazio, A., Hunt, G. & Moloney, M. (2011). “It’s One of the Better Drugs to Use”: Perceptions of Cocaine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Asian American Men. Qualitative Health Research, 21(5), 625-641.

Frank, V. A. & Bjerge, B. (2011). Empowerment in drug treatment: dilemmas in implementing policy in welfare institutions. Social Science & Medicine, 73(2), 201-208.

Grittner, U., Gmel, G., Ripatti, S., Bloomfield, K., & Wicki, M. (2011). Missing value imputation in longitudinal measures of alcohol consumption. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatry, 20(1), 50-61.

Hakkarainen, P., Frank, V. A., Perälä, J., & Dahl, H. V. (2011). Small Scale Cannabis Growers in Denmark and Finland. European Addiction Research, 17(3), 119-128.

Hesse, M., & Tutenges, S. (2011). Dependent cannabis users at a music festival - prevalence and correlates. Drugs, 18 (6), 433 - 437.

Hesse, M., & Tutenges, S. (2011). Young tourists visiting strip clubs and paying for sex. Tourism Management, 32(4), 869-874.

Hesse, M., Öhlin, L., Fridell, M., & Tätting, P. (2011). Poly- substance use and antisocial personality traits at admission predict cumulative retention in a buprenorphine programme with mandatory work and high compliance profile. B M C Psychiatry, 11(81).

Houborg, E., & Bjerge, B. (2011). Drug Policy, Control and Welfare. Drugs, 18(1), 16-23.

Hunt, G., Fazio, A., MacKenzie, K. & Moloney, M. (2011). Food in the family. Bringing young people back in. Appetite, 56(2), 394-402.

Hunt, G. & Moloney, M. (2011). "How Asian Am I?”: Asian American Youth Cultures, Drug Use, and Ethnic Identity Construction. Youth & Society, 43(1), 274-304.

Hunt, G., Moloney, M. & Fazio, A. (2011). Embarking on large-scale qualitative research: Reaping the benefits of mixed methods in studying youth, clubs and drugs. Nordisk Alkohol- och Narkotikatidskrift, 28(5-6), 433-452.

Hunt, G., Moloney, M., Joe-Laidler, K. & MacKenzie , K. (2011). Young Mother (in the) Hood: Gang Girls’ Negotiation of New Identities. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(1), 1-19.

Järvinen, M., & Demant, J. (2011). The Normalization of Cannabis Use among Young People - Symbolic Boundary Work in Focus Groups. Health, Risk & Society, 13(2), 165-182.

Järvinen, M., & Ravn, S. (2011). From Recreational to Regular Drug Use - Qualitative Interviews with Young Clubbers. Sociology of Health and Illness, 33(4), 554-569.

Kolind, T. (2011). Young people, drinking and social class: Mainstream and counterculture in the everyday practice of Danish adolescents. Journal of Youth Studies, 14(3), 295-314.

Mackrill, T. (2011). A Diary-Based, Cross-Contextual Case Study Methodology. : Background for the Case of "Jane and Joe". Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 7(1), 156-186.

Mackrill, T. (2011). The Case of "Jane and Joe": A Diary-Based, Cross-Contextual Case Study. Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy, 7(1), 187-229.

Mackrill, T. (2011). Differentiating life goals and therapeutic goals: expanding our understanding of the working alliance. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 39(1), 25-39.

Mackrill, T. & Hesse, M. (2011). The Adult Children of Alcoholics Trauma Inventory. Substance Use and Misuse, 46(9), 1099-1104.

Melberg, H. O., Hakkarainen, P., Houborg, E., Jääskeläinen, M., Skretting, A., Ramstedt, M., & Rosenqvist, P. (2011). Measuring the harm of illicit drug use on friends and family. Nordisk Alkohol- och Narkotikatidskrift, 28(2), 105-121.

Nielsen, B. (2011). UNESCO and the 'right' kind of culture: Bureaucratic production and articulation. Critique of Anthropology, 31(4), 273-292.

Nyhlén, A., Fridell, M., Hesse, M., & Krantz, M. (2011). Causes of Premature Mortality in Swedish Drug Abusers: A prospective longitudinal study 1970-2006. Journal of forensic and legal medicine, 18(2), 66-72.

Nyhlén, A., Fridell, M., Bäckström, M., Hesse, M. & Krantz, P. (2011). Substance Abuse and Psychiatric Co-morbidity as Predictors of Premature Mortality in Swedish Drug Abusers: A Prospective Longitudinal Study 1970-2006. BMC Psychiatry, 11(122)

Pedersen, M. U., Elmeland, K. & Frank, V. A. (2011). Addictions research centres and the nurturing of creativity. The Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research: social science alcohol and drug research in Denmark. Addiction, 106(12), 2072-2078.

Pedersen, M.U., Hesse, M., & Bloomfield, K. (2011). Abstinence-oriented residential rehabilitation of opiod users in Denmark: : Do changes in national treatment policies affect treatment outcomes? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 39 (6), 582-589.

Schmidt, L. M., Hesse, M. & Lykke, J. (2011). The impact of substance use disorders on the course of schizophrenia - a 15 year follow-up study: Dual diagnosis over 15 years. Schizophrenia Research, 130(1), 228-233.

Stock, C., Ejstrud, B., Vinther-Larsen, M., Schlattmann, P., Grønbæk, M. & Bloomfield, K. (2011). Effects of school district factors on alcohol consumption: results of a multi-level analysis among Danish adolescents. European Journal of Public Health, 21(4), 449-455.

Thylstrup, B. (2011). Numbers and narratives: Relations between patient satisfaction, retention, outcome and program factors in outpatient substance abuse treatment. Nordisk Alkohol- och Narkotikatidskrift, 28(5-6), 471-486.

Videnskabelige bøger/antologier og bidrag til antologier/videnskabelige rapporter

Dahl, H. V. (2011). Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler i et kønsperspektiv. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 3.(s. 83-116). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Dahl, H. V. & Frank, V. A. (2011). Introduktion. I Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler (s. 9-23). (Samfund og Rusmidler). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Dahl, H. V. & Frank, V. A. (2011). Medical Marijuana - exploring the concept in relation to small scale cannabis growers in Denmark. I World Wide Weed: Global Trends in Cannabis Cultivation and Control London: Ashgate.

Demant, J. (2011). When Alcohol Acts: An Actor-Network Approach toTeenagers, Alcohol and Parties. I Coffey, A., & Hall, T. (red.), Researching Young People: Three-Volume Set Sage Publications, Incorporated.

Demant, J., Ravn, S. & Kaae, A. M. (2011). The glamour makes the difference. Discourses on cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamine in Danish Media. I Fountain, J., Asmussen Frank, V. & Korf, D. J. (red.), Messages, Markets and Methods. Dynamics in European drug research. (s. 136-151). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.

Fountain, J., Frank, V. A. & Korf, D. J. (red.) (2011). Markets, methods and messages: dynamics in European drug research. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers. 154 s.

Frank, V.A. & Dahl, H.V. (red.) (2011): Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler. (Samfund og rusmidler bd.1). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Frank, V. A. Dahl, H. V., & Kolind, T. (2011). Indsattes erfaringer med narkotikakontrol og hashbehandling i danske fængsler. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 8.(s. 223-249). (Samfund og Rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Houborg, E. (2011). Kriminalisering af narkotika - den politiske og samfundsmæssige baggrund for kriminaliseringsprocesser i perioden 1950-2004. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 4.(s. 119-144). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Hunt, G., Milhet, M. & Bergeron, H. (red.) (2011). Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. London: Ashgate. 324 s.

Hunt, G., Joe-Laidler, K., Moloney, M., van der Poel, A. & van de Mheen, D. (2011).  Dance Drug Scenes: A Global Perspective. I Hunt, G., Milhet, M. & Bergeron, H. (red.), Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy (s. 125-148). London: Ashgate.

Kolind, T. (2011). Sociologiske perspektiver på relationen mellem illegale rusmidler og kriminalitet. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 1.(s. 27-52). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Mackrill, T. (2011). Diaries. I L´Abate, L. & Sweeney, L. (red.), Research on Writing Approaches in Mental Health. (Studies in Writing). (s. 55-65). Bingley, UK.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Milhet, M., Moloney, M., Bergeron, H. & Hunt, G. (2011). Introduction. I Hunt, G., Milhet, M. & Bergeron, H. (red.), Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. (s. 1-12). London: Ashgate.

Moloney, M. & Hunt, G. (2011). Ecstasy, Gender, and Accountability in a Rave Culture. I Hunt, G., Milhet, M. & Bergeron, H. (red.), Drugs and Culture: Knowledge, Consumption and Policy. (s. 171-194). London: Ashgate.

Møller, K. (2011). Kontrolregimer og narkotikapolitik: Hvordan balanceres borgernes velbefindende og selvbestemmelse?.I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 5.(s. 145-168). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Møller, K. (2011). Narkotikakriminalitet: Hvordan beregner man mørketallet for en offerløs forbrydelse?. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 6.(s. 169-196). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.

Pedersen, M. U. (2011). Fire modeller til forståelse af forholdet mellem forbrug af illegale stoffer og kriminalitet. I Frank, V. A. & Dahl, H. V. (red.), Kriminalitet og illegale rusmidler Kapitel 2.(s. 53-82). (Samfund og rusmidler). Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag.


Frank, V. A., & Houborg, E. (2011). Denmark. I Kleiman, M., & Hawdon, J. E. (red.), Sage Encyclopedia of Drug Policy USA: Sage Publications, Incorporated.


Houborg, E. (2011). Drugs, Crime and Public Health. The Political Economy of Drug Policy, by Alex Stevens. Drugs, 18(5), 402-403.


Demant, J. & Frank, V. A. (2011). The promise of mixed method for Nordic alcohol and drug research. Nordisk Alkohol- och Narkotikatidskrift, 28(5-6), 411-414.


Møller, K. & Demant, J. (2011): Unges påbegyndelse af illegalt rusmiddelbrug. Et litteraturstudie over den nordiske forskning. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Hesse, M. & Thylstrup, B. (2011): Ambulant behandling af stofmisbrug. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet 

Nielsen, M.K. & Pedersen, M.U. (2011): Evaluering af 34 projekter med bevilling fra Narkopuljen 2006. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Pedersen, M.U., Pedersen, M.M. & Villumsen, S. (2011): DanRIS 2010 - STOF, Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Artikler uden peer review

Frank, V. A., & Hunt, G. (2011). Social Science Research into Drugs and Alcohol: Examining how substance use can affect individuals and society. Public Service Review - European Science & Technology, (11), 354-355.

Landolt, S. & Demant, J. (2011). Raum als Erlebnis. Alkoholkonsum Jugendlicher und die Herstellung von Trinkräumen. Abhaengigkeiten, 17(2), 44-62.

Mackrill, T. (2011). Håndbog til unge og voksne fra familier med alkoholproblemer. Dansk Psykologisk Forlag.


Dahl, H. V., & Frank, V. A. (2011). Selvmedicinering i det skjulte. STOF, (16), 81-85.

Demant, J. (2011). Er danske unges fuldskabskultur under forandring? Ungdomsringen:

Kolind, T. (2011). Druk deler unge i forskellige grupper. Vera, 57, 40-46.

Schliewe, C. , & Tutenges, S. (2011). Fakta om tekno. STOF, (18), 53.

Thylstrup, B., & Hesse, M. (2011). Ro på: Kan et kort, struktureret og billigt behandlingstilbud gøre en forskel for klienter med antisocial personlighedsforstyrrelse?. STOF, (18), 43-46.

Tutenges, S. (2011). Intet nyt under hangaren?. STOF, 18, 50-52.

Tutenges, S., Mikkelsen, L. N., Poulsen, M., Bloomfield, K., Elmeland, K., Frank, V. A., & Hesse, M. (2011). Fest i trygge rammer. STOF, (18), 46-49.


Artikler, peer review

Bloomfield, K., Wicki, M., Gustafsson, N-K., Mäkelä, P., Room, R. (2010): Changes in alcohol-related problems after alcohol policy changes in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, vol. 71, nr. 1, s. 32-40.

Demant, J., Ravn, S., Thorsen, S. (2010): "Club studies: methodological perspectives for researching drug use in a central youth social space", Leisure Studies, vol. 29 nr. 3, s. 241-252

Hesse, M., Moran, P. (2010): Screening for personality disorder with the Standardised Assessment of Personality: Abbreviated Scale (SAPAS): further evidence of concurrent validity, BMC Psychiatry, vol. 10, nr. 10.

Hesse, M., Thiesen, H. (2010): Biomarkers of problem drinking in homeless patients, Addictive Behaviors, vol. 35 nr. 3, s. 260–262.

Hesse, M., Tutenges, S. (2010): Predictors of hangover during a week of heavy drinking on holiday, Addiction, vol. 105, nr. 3, s. 476-483.

Hesse, M., Tutenges, S., Schliewe, S., 2010, The use of tobacco and cannabis at an international music festival, vol. 16, European Addiction Research, nr. 4, s. 208-212

Kolind, T.,  Frank, V.A., Dahl, H. (2010): Drug treatment or alleviating the negative consequences of imprisonment? A critical view of prison-based drug treatment in Denmark, International Journal of Drug Policy, vol. 21, nr. 1, s. 43-48.

Lykke, J., Oestrich, I., Austin, S., Hesse, M. (2010): The implementation and evaluation of cognitive milieu therapy for dual diagnosis inpatients: A pragmatic clinical trial, Mental Health and Substance Use - Dual Diagnosis, vol. 6, nr. 1, s. 58-72.

Mackrill, T. (2010): Goal consensus and collaboration in psychotherapy: an existential rationale, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, vol. 50, no. 1, p. 96-197.

Plant, M., Miller, P., Plant, M., Gmel, G., Kuntsche, S., Bergmark, W.K., Bloomfield, K., Csémy, L., Ozenturk, T., Vidal, A. (2010): The social consequences of binge drinking among 24- to 32-year-olds in six European countries, Substance Use and Misuse, vol. 45, nr. 4, s. 528-42.

Videnskabelig bøger/antologier og bidrag til antologier/videnskabelige rapporter

Kolind, T. & Pedersen, M.U. (Red.): Unge, rusmidler og sociale netværk, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2010.


Elmeland, K., Hecksher, D. (2010): Forandring uden behandling, STOF; vol. 14, s. 17-20

Hesse, M., Guldager, S. (2010) Måling af personlighedsforstyrrelser, Psykolog Nyt, vol. 64, nr. 1, s. 14-17


Hesse, M., Kjær Pedersen, M. & Nielsen, J.V. (2010): Screening for personlighedsforstyrrelser - en kontrolgruppeundersøgelse. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet. 115, - kr. incl. moms og forsendelse.

Kolind, T., Dahl, H.V., Nielsen, L. & Frank, V.A. (2010): Fængselsbetjentes erfaringer  med stofbehandling, narkotikakontrol og indsattes brug af rusmidler. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet. [160,- kr. incl. moms]

Pedersen, M.U. (2010): Dokumentation, kvalitets- og effektstyring af socialt arbejde med socialt udsatte - eksemplificeret ved kvinder i stof- og alkoholbehandling. Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet. [110,- kr. incl. moms]

Mads Uffe Pedersen (2010): Scoresystem til identificering af risiko-grupper (Microsoft Excel format 97-2003)

Pedersen, M.U., Pedersen, M.M. & Villumsen, S. (2010): DanRIS 2009 - STOF, Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet.

Vind, L., Pedersen M.U. (2010): Behandling og andre socialeindsatser der tilbydes unge, der misbruger rusmidler: Strukturer, evidensorienteringer og tidlige identificeringer/indsatser i folkeskoler og ungdomsuddannelser, Center for Rusmiddelforskning, Aarhus Universitet