Center for selvbiografisk hukommelsesforskning – Center on Autobiographical Memory Research – CON AMORE – blev grundlagt i 2010 på baggrund af en Centre of Excellence-bevilling fra Danmarks Grundforskningsfond. CON AMORE forsker i selvbiografisk hukommelse, dvs. evnen til bevidst at huske sin egen fortid.

Gæsteforskere 2025

  • 17. -21. marts 2025 Ph.d.-studerende Marius Boeltzig, Universität Münster (Tyskland)

  • 15. juni - 2. juli 2025 Lektor Worawach Tungjitcharoen, Thammasat University (Thailand)

Se tidligere år

Seneste publikationer

Kato, D., Zaragoza Scherman, A., Suzuki, M., & Matsumoto, N. ( 2024). The relationship between event centrality and role satisfaction among Japanese university students. Journal of Human Environmental Studies, 22(2), 203-208.

Shan, Y., Berntsen, D., Allé, M. & Rubin, D. C.  (in press) Exploring changes in consciousness, cognition, and anxiety amidst social isolation: China's strict covid-19 measures as a case study. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice.

Shan, Y, Rubin, D. C. & Berntsen, D. (in press). Involuntary autobiographical memories as a transdiagnostic factor in mental disorders. Clinical Psychology Review.

Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O. S., & Sonne, T. (in press). Spontaneous event memory in young children. I L. M. Bietti, & M. Pogacar (red.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Memory Studies Palgrave Macmillan.

Messina A, Berntsen D (2024). Self-reported sensibility to bodily signals predicts individual differences in autobiographical memory: an exploratory study. Memory, 32(8), 996-1011. DOI: 10.1080/09658211.2024.2373891

Gehrt, T. B., Nielsen, N. P., Hoyle, R. H., Rubin, D. C., & Berntsen, D. (2024). Measuring narrative identity: rater coding versus questionnaire-based approaches. Memory (Hove, England), 32(7), 863–873.

Camia, C., Alhallami, A. O., Alhattali , D. K., Al Hosani , B. M., & Bohn, A. (2023). Historical change in the Emirati Life Script. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(6), 1183-1198. 

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