What to blame? Self-serving attribution bias with multi-dimensional uncertainty

Talk by Leonie Gerhards, University of Hamburg, Department of Economics

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Torsdag 8. april 2021,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Zoom meeting ID 683 3980 1642

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People often receive feedback that depends on factors beyond their ability, yet little is known about how this alters the scope for self-serving biases. In a lab experiment, individuals receive a noisy signal about their ability, which comes bundled with another source of uncertainty – a teammate’s ability. Individuals can attribute the feedback across these two dimensions, updating in a self-serving fashion, leveraging the additional flexibility from multi-dimensional uncertainty. In the experiment, rather than blaming their teammate, they process information about them in a positively biased way. This reduces costs associated with over-attribution towards own performance, but later impedes learning by decreasing willingness to change teammates.

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