Cogito – Børns kognitive udvikling

Vi er generelt interesserede i normale børns kognitive udvikling. Aldersmæssigt fokuserer vi især på førskolebørn. Vi er interesserede i emner som f.eks. børns episodiske hukommelse, børns evne til at holde rede på objekters identitet, børn som vidner, børns social-kognition, kausal tænkning og problemløsning.

I 1996 etablerede vi det første eksperimentelle ’lab’ i udviklingspsykologisk regi i Danmark og råder over laboratoriefaciliteter, der giver rig mulighed for at lave en lang række eksperimentelle undersøgelser, bl.a. med anvendelse af eye tracking.

Studierne har været støttet af eksterne bevillinger fra FKK-Forskernetværk, Danmarks Grundforskningsfond samt Velux Fonden. 

Hvem er vi?

Videnskabeligt personale

Professor, leder af forskningsenhed




Laura Teglhøj

Terese Hald Juul-Nyholm

Juliane Dueholm

Emilia Primdahl Vestergaard



Toril S. Jensen

Tirill Fjellhaugen Hjuler

Jonna J. Dahl


In press

  • Hjuler, T. F., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (in press). “Workman made noise in my room. Me kept my hands on my ears!” A diary study of spontaneous memories in 34- to 36-month-old children. Applied Cognitive Psychology.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (in press). On the importance of contextual cues for spontaneous recall in 35- and 46-month-old children. Psychological Research.


  • Hjuler, T. F., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (in press). “I can’t remember!” Three-year-olds struggle to strategically access encoded and consolidated memories. Cognitive Development.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (in press). To ask or not to ask: Strategic, but not spontaneous recall, decreases by the passage of time in 46-month-olds’ memory of a unique event. Psychological Research.
  • Jensen, T. S., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (in press). Children below two years of age spontaneously recall an event with Magical Teddies. Cognitive Development.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2023). 6-, 10-, and 12-month-olds remember complex dynamic events across two weeks. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 229, 105627.


  • Krøjgaard, P., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Berntsen, D. (2022). Spontaneous verbal recall: A new look at the mechanisms involved in episodic memory retrieval in young children. Developmental Review, 66, 101050.
  • Jensen. T. S., Berntsen, D., Kingo., O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2022). Distinct environmental cues trigger spontaneous recall of past events in three- and four-year-old children even after long delays. Child Development, 93, 941-955.
  • Svane, R. P., Zaman, W., Merrill, N., Krøjgaard, P., & Fivush, R. (2022). Gender differences in emotional reminiscing in a Scandinavian sample. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 63, 173-181.
  • Svane, R. P., Jensen, T. J., Hjuler, T. F., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2022). Episodic future thinking in 35-, 47-, and 55-month-old children. Nordic Psychology, 74, 53-69.
  • Kingo, O. S., Sonne, T., & Krøjgaard, P. (2022). Predicting explicit memory for meaningful cartoons from visual paired comparison in infants and toddlers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 215, 105316


  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (2021). Noting a difference: Change in social context prompts spontaneous recall in 46-month-olds, but not in 35.-month-olds. Psychological Research, 85, 939-950.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (2021). Noting a difference: Change in social context prompts spontaneous recall in 46-month-olds, but not in 35.-month-olds. Psychological Research, 85, 939-950.
  • Svane, R. P., Olesen, M. J. R., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2021). Gender and parental involvement in parent-child reminiscing in a Scandinavian sample. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 62, 159-169.
  • Svane, R. P., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2021). A micro-analytic approach to parent-child reminiscing. Cognitive Development, 57, 101004.
  • Hjuler, T. F., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (2021). Real-time assessment of looking time at central environmental cues for spontaneous recall in 35-month-olds. Cognitive Development, 57, 100995.


  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (2020). Age affects strategic but not spontaneous recall in 35- and 46-month-old children. Journal of Cognition and Development, 21, 603-621.
  • Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Soenens, B., Mouratidis, A., De Pauw, S., Krøjgaard, P., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2020). Towards a detailed understanding of preschool children’s memory-related functioning and emotion regulation: The role of parents’ observed reminiscence style, memory valence, and parental gender. Developmental Psychology, 56, 1996-1708.


  • Bauer, P. J., Baker-Ward, L., Krøjgaard, P., Peterson, C., & Wang, Q. (2019). Evidence against depiction as fiction: A comment on “Fictional First Memories”. Psychological Science, 30, 1397-1399.
  • Krøjgaard, P., Sonne, T., Lerebourg, M., Lambek, R., & Kingo, O. S (2019). Eight-year-olds, but not six-year-olds, perform just as well as adults when playing Concentration: Resolving the enigma? Consciousness & Cognition, 69, 81-94.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O.S., Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard, P. (2019). Thirty-five-month-old children have spontaneous memories despite change of context for retrieval. Memory, 27, 38-48.


  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2018). Meaningful memory? Eighteen-month-olds only remember cartoons with a meaningful storyline. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2388.


  • Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O.S., Jensen, T.S., & Berntsen, D. (2017). By-passing strategic retrieval: Experimentally induced spontaneous episodic memories in 35- and 46-month-old children. Consciousness and Cognition, 55, 91-105.
  • Partanen, E., Leminen, A., de Paoli, S., Bundgaard, A., Kingo, O.S., Krøjgaard, P., & Shtyrov, Y. (2017). Flexible, rapid and automatic neocortical word form acquisition mechanism in children as revealed by neuromagnetic brain response dynamics. NeuroImage, 155, 450-459.
  • Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O.S., & Berntsen, D. (2017). Adults’ earliest memories of songs and melodies based on a large stratified sample. Memory Studies, 10, 210-226.
  • Brynskov, C., Eigsti, I-M, Jørgensen, M., Lemcke, S., Bohn, O-S, & Krøjgaard, P. (2017). Syntax and morphology in Danish-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47, 373-383.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2017). Bound to remember: Infants show superior memory for objects presented at event boundaries. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 58, 107-113.
  • Krøjgaard, P. (2017). On the Theorem of Correspondence. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 51, 29-38.


  • Hayne, H., Jaeger, K., Sonne, T., & Gross, J. (2016). Visual attention to meaningful stimuli by 1- to 3-year-olds: implications for the measurement of memory. Developmental Psychobiology, 58, 808-816.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2016). Empty looks or paying attention? Exploring infants’ visual behavior during encoding of an elicited imitation task. Infancy, 21, 728-750.
  • Dahl, J.J., Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2016). Twenty-four-month-olds' nonverbal memory for expected and unexpected versions of familiar events. Cognitive Development, 39, 168-180.
  • Krøjgaard, P. (2016). Keeping track of individuals: Insights from developmental psychology. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 50, 264-276.
  • Sonne, T., Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2016). Occlusions at event boundaries during encoding have a negative effect on infant memory. Consciousness & Cognition, 41, 72-82.


  • Dahl, J.J., Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2015). The Magic Shrinking Machine revisited: The presence of props at recall facilitates memory in 3-year-olds. Developmental Psychology, 51, 1704-1716.
  • Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2015). Eighteen-month-olds’ memory for short movies of simple stories. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 56, 151-156


  • Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O.S., Dahl, J.J., & Berntsen, D. (2014). That one makes things small": Experimentally induced spontaneous memories in 3.5-year-olds. Consciousness and Cognition, 30, 24-35.
  • Kingo, O.S., Staugaard, S.R., & Krøjgaard, P. (2014). Three-year-olds’ memory for a person met only once at the age of 12 months: Very long-term memory revealed by a late-manifesting novelty preference. Consciousness and Cognition, 24, 49-56.2013
  • Kingo, O.S, Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard P. (2013). Adults’ earliest memories as a function of age, gender, and education in a large stratified sample. Psychology and Aging, 28, 646-653.
  • Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O.S., Staugaard, S.R. (2013). Object individuation or object movement as attractor? A replication of the wide-screen/narrow-screen study by means of (a) standard looking time methodology, and (b) eye tracking. Child Development Research, 2013, 1-14.
  • Krøjgaard, P., & Berntsen, D. (2013). Editorial: An introduction to the Special Issue on Autobiographical Memory. Nordic Psychology, 62, 81-86.
  • Dahl, J. J., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2013). On the Development of Episodic Memory: Two Basic Questions. Nordic Psychology, 62, 189-207.
  • Kingo, O.S., Bohn, A., & Krøjgaard, P. (2013). Warm-up questions on early childhood memories affect the reported age of earliest memories in late adolescence. Memory, 21, 280-284.


  • Kingo, O.S, Berntsen, D., & Krøjgaard P. (2013). Adults’ earliest memories as a function of age, gender, and education in a large stratified sample. Psychology and Aging, 28, 646-653.
  • Krøjgaard, P., Kingo, O.S., Staugaard, S.R. (2013). Object individuation or object movement as attractor? A replication of the wide-screen/narrow-screen study by means of (a) standard looking time methodology, and (b) eye tracking. Child Development Research, 2013, 1-14.
  • Krøjgaard, P., & Berntsen, D. (2013). Editorial: An introduction to the Special Issue on Autobiographical Memory. Nordic Psychology, 62, 81-86.
  • Dahl, J. J., Sonne, T., Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2013). On the Development of Episodic Memory: Two Basic Questions. Nordic Psychology, 62, 189-207.
  • Kingo, O.S., Bohn, A., & Krøjgaard, P. (2013). Warm-up questions on early childhood memories affect the reported age of earliest memories in late adolescence. Memory, 21, 280-284.
  • Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2013). Eighteen-month-old infants generalize to analogue props across a two weeks retention interval in an elicited imitation paradigm. Child Development Research, 2013, 1-11.


  • Kingo, O. S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2012). Object function facilitates infants’ object individuation in a manual search task. Journal of Cognition and Development, 13, 152-173.
  • Kingo, O.S., & Krøjgaard, P. (2011). Object manipulation facilitates kind-based object individuation of shape-similar objects. Cognitive Development, 26, 87-103.
  • Krøjgaard, P. (2009). A direct comparison of infants’ use of featural and spatiotemporal information when individuating objects in a non-occlusion event monitoring design. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 6, 641-665.
  • Krøjgaard, P., & Kingo, O.S. (2008). Metodiske overvejelser i forbindelse med undersøgelse af spædbørns kognitive udvikling: Anvendelse af computerdisplays og eye trackere. [Methodological concerns related to infant cognition research: the use of computer displays and eye tracking.] Psyke & Logos, 29, 488-498.
  • Krøjgaard, P. (2007). Comparing infants’ use of featural and spatio-temporal information in an object individuation task using a new event-monitoring design. Developmental Science, 10, 892-909.

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Nyhed fra Lundbeckfonden: Dybt ned i de små børns hukommelse

Hvordan kan menneskets tidligste oplevelser genkaldes fra hukommelsen? Professor i udviklingspsykologi Peter Krøjgaard søger svar med en særlig test, som han og kollegerne bruger til at undersøge spontane erindringer hos tre-fire årige børn.

Nyheder fra Cogito 2023

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