Estimating and interpreting psychological networks with R

Workshop by Jens Lange (University of Hamburg)

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 23. marts 2022,  kl. 09:00 - 12:00


Room 627, Building1350, Aarhus University

Sign up below before 18th of march to participate.

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Many systems of interrelated components can be represented as networks such as friendships between persons, chains of chemical reactions, or the ecosystem of a lake. The network approach recently also illuminated research on psychological constructs such as psychological disorders, attitudes, or personality characteristics. In these networks, indicators of the respective construct such as symptoms of a disorder, evaluative and affective judgements, or relevant behaviors, influence each other, forming networks of causal relationships. Much of this research on psychological networks relies on network models, typically analyzing the conditional dependence structure of the indicators of a construct.

The workshop will introduce the network approach and networks models. Specifically, the workshop will (a) introduce the theoretical perspective that psychological constructs can be represented as causal networks of their indicators and (b) provide a hands-on demonstration of network analysis in R. We will estimate models for continuous and binary data, test their stability, and analyze their structure. Thus, the workshop will help entering the field of psychological networks.

To participate in this workshop you need some basic knowledge in R. Please bring a laptop with the latest version of R and, if preferred, Rstudio installed.

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