Copenhagen Network of Experimental Economists workshop in Aarhus

Centre for Integrative Business Psychology is co-hosting The Copenhagen Network of Experimental Economists workshop in Aarhus

The Copenhagen Network of Experimental Economic (CNEE) workshop is coming to Aarhus for the first time for its 21st edition on May 24. The biannual workshop brings together experimental economists and other social scientists engaged in experiments from Denmark and southwest Sweden to present and discuss their work. The event welcomes Aarhus researchers and CNEE members. Most of the experimental work done by CIBP researchers should be well within the scope of the workshop. The presentations will take place from 10:30 to 18:00 and the keynote lecture will be given by Arno Riedl (Maastricht University). The event is funded by the Center for Integrative Business Psychology, the Department of Economics and Business Economics, and Danmarks Nationalbank. You can contact CIBP researcher Nickolas Gagnon ( for any questions or comments

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