Blessed be ye poor? How national religiosity lightens the burden of lower socioeconomic status

Talk by Jana Berkessel (University of Mannheim)

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Onsdag 7. december 2022,  kl. 12:00 - 13:00


Building 1351, Room 325

Lower socioeconomic status is a burden on people’s psychological well-being. For long, this burden was assumed to vanish with nations’ increasing economic development. Recent findings, however, suggest that economic development does not alleviate the burden; in fact, lower socioeconomic status predicts lower well-being more strongly in developed nations than developing ones. We suggest that national religiosity may explain this effect: Economically developed nations are less religious and, therefore, lack religious norms that buffer the negative consequences of lower socioeconomic status and cast a bad light on higher socioeconomic status. In this talk, I will present findings from three large-scale global datasets and suggest a roadmap of future research.

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