AROS Seminar: Registered Reports: The way forward or not? Experiences from the first years of CRSP

By Kai Jonas (Maastricht University)

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Onsdag 13. april 2022,  kl. 14:00 - 15:00


Zoom id: 655 4886 7322

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Pre-registered research, in its special form of registered reports (RR; ie., peer-reviewed pre-registered manuscripts) is often seen as the optimal solution for conducting transparent, efficient and participatory research. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, the first RR-only journal in social psychology can now look back on six years of publication practice. In this talk I will briefly introduce the format and its advantages. Then I will summarize author and editor views (e.g., manuscript structuring and placing information), and sketch challenges (e.g., changes to protocol or sample size issues) and future trajectories (e.g., participatory research). RRs have not yet fully developed their potential as innovative research trajectories yet, and require a motivated group of scientists that is willing to explore their applications and potential further.

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