From 2006 the journal has been published in English.
PDF-versions of the articles are available for download. See translations of titles of danish volumes below.
No. 11: The Renewal of "Psychological" Psychology (2002)
No. 13: Foundations for a science of consciousness (2003)
No. 17: Primate theory of mind (2006)
No. 18: An ecological approach to thinking (2007)
No. 19: The concept of concepts (2008)
No. 20: Educatability. Disolving the problem of man's uniqueness (2008)
No. 21: Zygmunt Bauman on Freudian civilsation (2009)
No. 1: Handling og adfærd (1996)
- Activity and behavior
No. 2: Den frie vilje (1997)
- The free will
No. 3: Kunstneriske livsudtryk (1998)
- Artful expressions
No. 4: Om at forbinde sig til omverdenen (1998)
- Connected to the world
No. 5: Personlighedspsykologiens begrebsdannelser (1999)
- The concepts of personality psychology
No. 6: Selvpsykologi & Big Five (1999)
- Self psychology & Big five
No. 7: Bevidsthed i praksis (2000)
- Consciousness in practice
No. 8: Et økologisk begreb om tænkning (2000)
- An ecological concept of thinking
No. 9: Hvad er antropologisk psykologi (2001)
- What is anthropological psychology
No. 10: Børns drømme og bevidsthed (2002)
- Children's dreams and consciousness
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No. 12: Retsvidenskab og psykologi (2003)
- Jurisprudence and psychology
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No. 14: Socialitetens grundformer (2004)
- Fundamental forms of sociality
No. 15: Spædbarnsforskning (2005)
- Research in infants
No. 16: Religiøsitetens psykologi (2006)
- The Psychology of religiousness