Psychological interventions for chronic pain: Evidence and opportunities

Professor Christopher Eccleston fra University of Bath, UK gæster Aarhus Universitet den 25. april og forelæser om emnet Psychological interventions for chronic pain: Evidence and opportunities.

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Torsdag 25. april 2013,  kl. 11:00 - 12:00


Auditorium A1, bygning 1333 i Universitetsparken.

Det er med glæde, at vi inviterer til forelæsning med professor Christopher Eccleston fra det engelske University of Bath. Forelæsningen finder sted torsdag den 25. april 2013 kl. 11.00 – 12.00 i  Auditorium A1, bygning 1333 i Universitetsparken.

Christopher Eccleston is professor of psychology at the University of Bath where he directs the Centre for Pain Research. He is editor of the Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Cochrane Review Group, and serves as a field editor for the Journal PAIN. He has a longstanding interest in

  1. cognitive mechanisms of pain and analgesia
  2. evidence based pain medicine
  3. innovations in child and family pain
  4. e-pain

He will describe the developments in psychological treatments for the management of chronic pain, review the current evidence for those treatments, and then discuss the gaps and opportunities for extension, including telemedicine, parenting interventions, and the need for knowledge transfer.

Du kan læse mere Christopher Eccleston her