
Latest news and publications 

  • May 2024: We are happy to announce that we have received a FP-2 grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the Project "The Time of Our Lives: At the INtersection of Biological and Psychological Time"
    • Amount: 6.033.927,00 DKK (PI: Ali Amidi)
  • We are happy to announce that our team has received funding from the Danish Cancer Society for two new research projects focusing on insomnia, cognitive impairment, and fatigue in cancer survivors:  
    • RESET-BRAIN: REhabilitation of SleEp and cogniTive impairment in BReast cancer survivors using an App-based INtervention. Amount: 1.900.000,00 DKK (PI: Ali Amidi)
    • Chrono-behavioral Therapy for Chronic Fatigue in Cancer. Amount:  2.275.000,00 DKK  (PI: Lisa Wu)
  • September, 2023: Our latest paper explores the impact of radiation dose to sleep- and wake-relevant brain structures on sleep quality in primary non-gliobastoma brain tumor patients. The paper is entitled "Radiation dose to sleep-relevant brain structures linked to impaired sleep quality in primary brain tumor patients" and published in Acta Oncologica:
  • February, 2023: In our latest collaboration paper, we investigate the impact of CO2 during sleep on next-day cognitive functions. The paper is entitled "The effect of air quality on sleep and cognitive performance in school children aged 10–12 years: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover trial" and published in the International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health:. Link:,156406,0,2.html
  • October, 2022: We are happy to announce that our latest review entitled "Circadian Disruption and Cancer- and Treatment-related Symptoms" has been published in Frontiers in Oncology. Link: Frontiers | Circadian disruption and cancer- and treatment-related symptoms ( 
  • September, 2022: We are happy to announce that our latest paper entitled "Examining the Efficacy of Bright Light Therapy on Cognitive Function in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors" has been published in the the Journal of Biological Rhythms. Link: Examining the Efficacy of Bright Light Therapy on Cognitive Function in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors
  • August, 2022: Our latest review paper entitled "Sleep and allostatic load: A systematic review and meta-analysis" by our postdoc Dinne Christensen has been published in the Journal of Sleep Medicine Reviews:  Sleep and allostatic load: A systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed (
  • May, 2022: Our latest publication on the long-term changes in sleep following internet-delivered CBT-I is now available as open access in Sleep Medicine
    "Changes in sleep following internet-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia in women treated for breast cancer: A 3-year follow-up assessment"
    Download freely here: