Research Projects

Nuværende forskningsprojekter

  • The Time of Our Lives: At the Intersection of Biological and Psychological Time (2024-2028)

Principal Investigator: Ali Amidi

Independent Research Fund Denmark (FP-2)

  • RESET-BRAIN: REhabilitation of SleEp and cogniTive impairment in BReast cancer survivors using an App-based INtervention (2024-2027)

Principal Investigator: Ali Amidi

Kræftens Bekæmpelse: #R366-A21617

  • “The Role of Circadian Rhythms in Cancer-Related Symptoms: A Prospective Controlled Chrono-Bio-Behavioral Observation Study” (2018 – 2023)

Principal Investigator: Ali Amidi

Kræftens Bekæmpelse: Bevilling #R174-A11447

  • Reducing cancer side-effects with systematic light exposure” (2016 – 2022)

Principal Investigator: Ali Amidi

Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond: Bevilling #DFF–5053-00220

  • “Social rhythms in the age of COVID-19” (2020 – nu)

Principal Investigator: Lisa Wu

  • “Systematic light exposure to prevent fatigue in prostate cancer patients”

Principal Investigator: Lisa M. Wu

American Cancer Society: Grant # RSG PCSM – 131642

  • “The role of light and circadian rhythms in cancer- and cancer treatment-related symptoms: A prospective controlled study of breast cancer patients during treatment”

 Principal Investigator: Lisa M. Wu

Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies Co-Fund, the Aarhus University Research Foundation, and The European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement #754513