See the programme for each day below.
Please note: the programme may be subject to change.
Registration and coffee | 10:00-11:00 | |
Opening | 11:00-11:15 | |
Introduction – Geoffrey Hunt, AU | Constructing images of youth: the role of intoxicants | 11:15-12:00 |
Lunch | 12:00-13:00 |
Chairperson | Session 1: Place, space and belonging in rural and urban settings | Room 1327-220 | Presenter | Time |
Mette Pless | Backward youth? Place, temporality and morality among youth in the Swedish countryside | Susanna Areschoug | 13:00-13:15 | |
Rural youth, place and identity
| Maria Rönnlund | 13:20-13:35 | ||
Place in time? Eastern Finnish boys’ rural homeplace in life course
| Ville Pöysä | 13:40-13:55 | ||
How Does The City Become A Place Of One’s Own? City Capital and Young People’s Different Relations to City Spaces
| Tarja Tolonen
| 14:00-14:15 | ||
‘Everyday Citizenship in Playful walks – the construction of the rural through the embodied experiences of young people’
| Claire Levy | 14:20-14:35 | ||
Research ethical perspectives to studying place and belonging in the arctic
| Helena Pennanen | 14:40-14:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 5 minutes after each paper |
Chairperson | Session 2: Gender: Maintaining and disturbing boundaries | Room 1325-240 | Presenter | Time |
Christer Hyggen | Gender differences in body pressure and the role of social media
| Mira Aaboen Sletten | 13:00-13:15 | |
Young women’s expectations and solutions on work-family reconciliation
| Outi Alakärppä | 13:25-13:40 | ||
Queering life-course and developmental criminology: Chrononormativity, afterwardsness and young men’s intimate partner violence
| Lucas Gottzén | 13:50-14:05 | ||
Prison masculinities and the forbidden emotions: Young men’s affective-discursive practices and resistance to vulnerability
| Anna Franzén
| 14:15-14:30 | ||
Parental restrictions on participation in mixed gender activities in school and leisure contexts. The experiences of young people in Oslo, Norway
| Christer Hyggen & Ingrid Smette
| 14:40-14:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 3: Transition in changing times. | Room 1325-228 | Presenter | Time |
Niels Ulrik Sørensen | Open-ended Transitions: Changing Metaphors for a New Age
| Jeanette Østergaard | 13:00-13:15 | |
'Ordinary' Lifestyles of and in Transition: Culturally Negotiating Transitions to Adulthood in Austere Times
| Isaac Hoff
| 13:25-13:40 | ||
New standards of transition
| Gestur Gudmundsson
| 13:50-14:05 | ||
The values and attitude structures of youth in changing times: A comparative study of Finnish Millennials and Generation X Cancelled
| Helena Helve | 14:15-14:30 | ||
With a little help from my parents. Parenthood and transitions in young people’s moving out processes
| Niels Ulrik Sørensen | 14:40-14:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 4: Youth political participation and activism | Room 1325-220 | Presenter | Time |
Maria Bruselius-Jensen | Citizenship education: meanings of young activists and attitudes of youth policy makers
| Airi-Alina Allaste | 13:00-13:15 | |
Young People’s Worldviews and Democratic Participation in the Finnish Context
| Pia Niemi | 13:25-13:40 | ||
The Autonomists - Perceptions of societal change among radical left youth
| Eckart Müller-Bachmann | 13:50-14:05 | ||
Psychological Vulnerabilities and Extremism among Norwegian Youth: A Multi-Method Analysis of a Large-n Sample
| Anna Harpviken | 14:15-14:30 | ||
Latent-political practices in the everyday life of young people
| Jakob Sejrup Villadsen | 14:40-14:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 5: Symposium: Human enhancement | Room 1324-025 | Presenter | Time |
Thomas Friis Søgaard | Students’ Non-medical Use of Pharmaceuticals to Manage Time in Everyday Life Crises
| Lea Trier Krøll
| 13:00-13:20 | |
Better, sharper, stronger – On men’s use of image and performance enhancing drugs
| Ask Vest Christiansen | 13:30-13:50 | ||
Study drugs compared: moral differences and similarities between Denmark and the US
| Margit Anne Petersen | 14:00-14:20 | ||
Gendered perspectives on non-medical use of prescription pharmaceuticals among Danish university students
| Jeanett Bjønness | 14:30-14:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper |
Coffee | 15:00-15:30 | |
Keynote - Anders Petersen, AAU | “It’s hardly enough to do OK – is it?” Mental suffering in the performance society | 15:30-16:30 |
MEETING with the Nordic Network and Presentation of Nordic Youth Research Journals | 16:30-17:30 |
After a brief discussion of the venue and organisers of the next NYRIS conference, in this session the editors of the journals YOUNG and Nordisk Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning will present the journals and encourage participants publish their work in it. Young has a bold history over 25 years and firm roots in the Nordic collaboration among youth researchers and NYRIS conferences. Currently, it is among the leading international journals in the field of youth studies. After the presentation of Young, Anders Bakken will present Nordisk Tidsskrift for Ungdomsforskning; an open-access interdisciplinary social science journal. The journal aims to contribute towards a growth in knowledge around youth and youth life in the Nordic countries and to be the leading publication platform for Nordic youth research in Scandinavian languages. |
Reception - AROS Aarhus Art Museum | 18:30 |
Keynote Sarah MacLean | 9:30-10:30 |
Coffee | 10:30-11:00 |
Chairperson | Session 6. Youth and well-being (a)
| Room 1327-220 | Presenter | Time |
Trine Wulf-Andersen | ”To live the life you want to live” − Young unemployed persons’ conceptions about wellbeing, work and society in the framework of sustainable wellbeing | Tuula Helne | 11:00-11:20 | |
The Influence of Ethnic Identity for an Individual’s well-being and mental health: A case study of Finland-Swedish young people | Jean d'Amour Banyanga
| 11:30-11:50 | ||
The work of being a student with psychosocial problems
| Mathias Hulgård Kristiansen | 12:00-12:20 | ||
Rethinking “students” and “wellbeing” in Danish Higher Education.
| Trine Wulf-Andersen | 12:30-12:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 7: Youth, sociality and peer culture | Room 1325-240 | Presenter | Time |
Emma Sorbring
| Fights for fun: jokes, homosociality and violence in secondary school
| Ylva Odenbring & Thomas Johansson | 11:00-11:15 | |
Making sense of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendship formation: Analyses of migrant girls’ narratives
| Disa Bergnehr | 11:25-11:40 | ||
Relationships of Young Adults with Foster Care Background: Tensions and Resources for Resilience
| Elli-Maria Tahkola | 11:50-12:05 | ||
Systematic review of online gambling communities among young people
| Anu Sirola | 12:15-12:30 | ||
Internet as a social arena for young people with learning disabilities
| Emma Sorbring | 12:40-12:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 8: Youth, sports and inequalities (gender, class, disability) (a) | Room 1325-228 | Presenter | Time |
Rasmus Præstmann Hansen | Resisting conventional norms of embodied masculinity in youth sports: The case of roller derby and wheelchair parkour
| Anni Rannikko | 11:00-11:20 | |
Social inequality in organized sport participation. The importance of class origin and “family sport culture”
| Patrick Lie Andersen, (presented by Anders Bakken) | 11:30-11:50 | ||
Understanding the temporal aspect of social inequalities in club organized sport participation among Norwegian youth
| Anders Bakken | 12:00-12:20 | ||
Marginalized and Social Vulnerable Youth in Urban Street Sports Projects
| Rasmus Præstmann Hansen & Helene Falkenberg | 12:30-12:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 9: Participation and citizenship | Room 1325-220 | Presenter | Time |
Maria Bruselius-Jensen | Can temporal and spatial societal logic construct unequal participatory opportunities for young people in Denmark? Cancelled
| Anne-Lene Sand Cancelled | 11:00-11:15 | |
Social circus – creating conditions for meaningful participation in society
| Frida Westerback & Petra Malin | 11:25-11:40 | ||
Young citizenship. A comparative analysis of civic engagement and participation among youth in four Nordic countries based on the ICCS 2016 study
| Kristinn Hegna | 11:50-12:05 | ||
From ideology to strategic participation
| Jonas Lieberkind | 12:15-12:30 | ||
The participation project
| Maria Bruselius-Jensen | 12:40-12:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 10: Youth and Intoxication | Room 1324-025 | Presenter | Time |
Willy Pedersen | Drinking among ethnic minority girls
| Marie Bærndt | 11:00-11:20 | |
Arenas for Swedish adolescent’s drunkenness – where and with whom
| Birgitta Ander | 11:30-11:50 | ||
Heavy drinking and care in young men’s friendship groups
| Mie Birk Jensen, Vibeke A. Frank, Maria Herold & Geoffrey Hunt
| 12:00-12:20 | ||
Cannabis is the key substance for drug-related criminal sanctions in Norway: A population-based longitudinal 27-year follow up study | Willy Pedersen
| 12:30-12:50 | ||
Discussion and questions, 10 minutes after each paper |
Lunch | 13:00-14:00 |
In international debates on youth research and life conditions for young people, the Nordic Countries are often portrayed under a common headline, with a focus on the Universalistic Welfare state regimes and societies characterized by high levels of social and economic equality as important frameworks for young people's lives. Although the Nordic Countries share important common characteristics, there are also significant differences with regard to how the societies develop and how they address youth issues and which youth policies are dominant.
In this panel debate we will unfold and discuss both commonalities and differences between the different Nordic Countries and how these affect the livelihoods of young people.
The Nordic participants are:
Assistant professor Dr. Hannah King, Durham University, UK, will moderate the panel debate and contribute with a UK perspective.
Coffee | 15:30-16:00 |
Chairperson | Session 11: Youth and well-being (b) | Room 1327-220 | Presenter | Time |
Trine Wulf-Andersen | Marginalisation amongst young people – what’s new? | Mette Pless, Anne Görlich, Liv Graversen & Noemi Katznelson | 16:00-16:20 | |
Everyday conversations and the impact on the well-being of adolescents
| Maria Nyholm | 16:30-16:50 | ||
Do negative childhood conditions increase the risk of somatic symptoms in adolescence? – A prospective cohort study
| Trine Nøhr Winding | 17:00-17:20 | ||
When it becomes a diagnosis – a study of professionals’ work after Internet Gaming Disorder, IGD, becomes a diagnosis
| Sevtap Gurdal | 17:30-17:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 12: Youth, sports and inequalities (gender, class, disability) (b) | Room 1325-240 | Presenter | Time |
Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt | Talent development - a study in modern leadership
| Jesper Stilling Olesen | 16:00-16:20 | |
Playing with no goals: How gendered experiences in football influence young girls motivation to stay in sport
| Marlene Persson | 16:30-16:50 | ||
Fathering through sports: a three-generational life course approach
| Kristoffer Chelsom Vogt | 17:00-17:20 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper and a joint discussion at the end of the session |
Chairperson | Session 13: Transition and precarity, labour market and education | Room 1325-228 | Presenter | Time |
Mette Lykke Nielsen | A precarious generation? How precarious employment and insecure work permeates the lives of young Australians
| Hernan Cuervo | 16:00-16:15 | |
Young people’s labour market positions, working conditions and perceptions of work. Preliminary findings from Youth Barometer 2019
| Lotta Haikkola | 16:25-16:40 | ||
Vocational education students’ concerns and expectations about transition to working life
| Susanna Ågren | 16:50-17:05 | ||
Dreams at work: experiences of work and future orientation among Danish youth
| Regine Grytnes | 17:15-17:30 | ||
Young workers in the digital revolution: Precarious workers or young entrepreneurs?
| Mette Lykke Nielsen | 17:40-17:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 14: Symposium: Policing and ethnicity | Room 1324-025 | Presenter | Time |
Torsten Kolind | Building trust or creating exclusion? Policing high schools in Oslo, Norway | Randi Solhjell | 16:00-16:15 | |
Queer youth and the Police: A case of over-policing and under-policing | Geoffrey Hunt | 16:25-16:40 | ||
Police made visible: Cameraphones and ethnic minority men’s construction of police as (il)legitimate
| Thomas Friis Søgaard | 16:50-17:05 | ||
The more things change, the more they stay the same: Policing, ‘race’ and the politics of ‘law and order’
| Mike Shiner
| 17:15-17:30 | ||
Experiences of violence: Narratives of police misconduct among ethnic minority young men in Denmark
| Mie Birk Haller and Torsten Kolind | 17:40-17:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper |
Chairperson | Session 15: Methodology: Including young people’s voices and everyday experience in qualitative and quantitative research | Room 1325-220 | Presenter | Time |
Sanna Aaltonen
| Addressing the notions of listening and participation in intervention research with young adults | Sanna Aaltonen
| 16:00-16:20 | |
The Sound of Silence. The Challenge of Young People’s Quietness in Participatory Research
| Miia Lähde | 16:30-16:50 | ||
Methods to support young people’s own reflections and voices in research projects
| Birgitte Henningsen, Anne Mette W. Nielsen & Rikke Ørngreen | 17:00-17:20 | ||
A collective memory work – university students’ everyday life and experiences of belonging
| Aske Christensen | 17:30-17:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Banquet dinner + dance - Godsbanen | 19:00 |
Chairperson | Session 16: Negotiating ethnicity, sexuality and gender in different cultural contexts | Room 1327-220 | Presenter | Time |
Gestur Gudmundsson | Pious, pragmatic or pissed-off? Young Norwegian Muslims dealing with conflicting sexual values in a minority context
| Monika Grønli Rosten | 9:00-9:15 | |
From unnatural to natural, abnormal to normal, deviant to non-deviant: changing representations of homosexuality among Indian youth
| Keshia Dsilva | 9:25-9:40 | ||
No future for masturbating boys? Young masculinity and sexuality in the Swedish internet pornography filter debate
| Lucas Gottzén | 9:50-10:05 | ||
Negotiations of sluttyness: Movements and potential meanings and matters of young people’s digital sexual imagery
| Pernille Kærsmose Bøegh Rasmussen | 10:15-10:30 | ||
Constructing the ethnic identity of minority youth in 2019
| Pia Nyman-Kurkiala
| 10:40-10:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 17: Performing student in vocational and academic educational contexts | Room 1325-240 | Presenter | Time |
Arnt Louw | Changing spaces of vocational learning. Vocational youth between school, work and popular culture.
| Lars Gjelstad | 11:00-11:20 | |
Marginalization and Co-created Education (MaCE) | David Thore Gravesen | 11:30-11:50 | ||
Why do young trainees’ give good grades to the Finnish activation measure ”Youth workshops?”
| Matilda Wrede-Jäntti | 12:00-12:20 | ||
Learning in a performance culture – a Danish study on grades, learning and student strategies in upper secondary education programs
| Arnt Louw | 12:30-12:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 18: Marginalized youth | Room 1325-228 | Presenter | Time |
| Children First justice: An agenda for change | Stephen Case | 9:00-9:15 | |
Maria Herold
| Risks, Drug Addiction and Social inclusion in a Life-Course Perspective: An Ethnographic Study of Drug Users’ Participation in a Norwegian Street-Soccer Program Aimed at Rehabilitation
| Bjørnar Blaalid | 9:25-9:40 | |
“That’s not who we are:” misrepresentations and Tottenham’s youth identities in the context of austerity cuts and the 2011 England Riots
| Julius Elster | 9:50-10:05 | ||
Consequences of growing up poor: a scoping review
| Christer Hyggen | 10:15-10:30 | ||
Enactments of a ’holistic approach’ in two welfare institutions accommodating young adults with offending behavior and drug use experiences in Denmark.
| Vibeke A. Frank | 10:40-10:55 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper |
Chairperson | Session 19: The body: Self-image, risk and violence | Room 1325-220 | Presenter | Time |
Anne Görlich | Control your self - self-image and eating pathology in high-school students and eating disorder patients | Rasmus Isomaa | 9:00-9:20 | |
Time Trends in Adolescent Physical Fighting from 2015 to 2018 and Concurrent Changes in Leisure Activities | Lars Roar Frøyland | 9:30-9:50 | ||
Female Fitness Doping. A new doping demography | Jesper Andreasson & Ellen Sverkersson | 10:00-10:20 | ||
(Un)Becoming a fitness doper: | Jesper Andreasson & Thomas Johansson | 10:30-10:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper
Chairperson | Session 20: Symposium: Qualitative longitudinal research projects in the Nordic Countries – What can we learn? | Room 1343-275 | Presenter | Time |
Sinikka Aapola-Kari | Research infrastructure and collaboration possibilities in qualitative longitudinal research: The case of the Norwegian "Inequality in youth" project | Ingunn Marie Eriksen
| 9:00-9:20 | |
From research object to participant – children and young people in longitudinal studies
| Kaisa Vehkalahti | 9:30-9:50 | ||
Youth in Time – A National Qualitative Longitudinal Research Project and the Possibilities for Nordic Cooperation
| Sinikka Aapola-Kari, Päivi Armila & Tarja Tolonen | 10:00-10:20 | ||
What is it good for? Critical reflections on creative methods in longitudinal studies methods with young people in Denmark.
| Jeanette Østergaard | 10:30-10:50 | ||
Discussion and questions 10 minutes after each paper |
Coffee | 11:00-11:30 | |
Keynote Tracy Shildrick Young people, inequality and generational change | Room: | 11:30-12:30 |
Next NYRIS and closing remarks | Room: | 12:30-13:00 |
Lunch | Room: | 13:00 |