CEBU, Centre for the Psychological Treatment of Children and Adolescents, was established in 2009 under the name Anxiety Disorder Clinic for Children and Adolescents. The centre has treated more than 800 children and adolescents. As such, CEBU is one of Denmark’s leading research institutions within the treatment and prevention of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents. The centre is responsible for testing and rolling out the evidence-based Cool Kids programmes in Denmark. Since 2017, CEBU has expanded its field of research with, among other things, the project Back2School, which focuses on children and adolescents with worrying levels of school absenteeism.
What is CEBU?
CEBU is a research and teaching centre with no treatment obligation.
The centre is funded by external grants and primarily offers treatment in connection with its ongoing research. To a limited extent, the centre also offers treatment to children and adolescents with anxiety disorders against payment. CEBU’s treatment offers are announced on the centre’s website.
Treatment mainly consists of evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy. All treatment takes place in Danish.
CEBU participates in an international collaboration with other research and educational institutions. Here researchers and practitioners work together to increase the understanding of what causes anxiety disorders and other forms of emotional problems in children and adolescents, how the problems manifest themselves and how emotional problems in children and adolescents can be treated and prevented.
Our core functions
Provide academically founded, psychological treatment to children and adolescents suffering from emotional problems.
Increase the knowledge and development of evidence-based treatment methods for children and adolescents with emotional problems through research.
Provide knowledge about the emotional problems of children and adolescents through courses and lectures and by communicating information to families and professionals through our website.
Educate and train psychology students in evidence-based treatment methods.