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Mia Skytte O’Toole has been nominated by the Danish Psychological Association as Denmark’s candidate for the European Federation of Psychologists’…
Postdoc Adam Redman Congleton has received a 2-year postdoc grant from The Danish Council for Independent Research l Humanities.
NPR in USA brings an article about The Old Town who has created a House of Memories.
Russia’s own narrative is part of the reason for the big differences between Russia’s self-perception and the common perception of Russia in countries…
Memories in dementia patients may be spurred by concrete objects from the person’s past. PhD student Marie Kirk receives the EliteForsk travel grant…
'Den Spændte Hjelm' is a new, psychological radio programme at the local student radio in Aarhus concerning subjects relevant for students.
Small children find it difficult to remember their experiences - or do they? Danish researchers have found a new method for exploring this question.
Soldiers who are haunted by frightening images before they are deployed in war zones are more likely to develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress…
An article written by Anne Scharling Rasmussen and Dorthe Berntsen from CON AMORE in collaboration with Celia Harris from Macquarie University (New…
Interview i The Murmur
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