
Talk - Professor Paul Lysaker

Disturbances in Metacognitive Function as a Barrier to Recovery from Serious Mental Illness: Emerging Research and Treatment Implications

Info about event


Wednesday 15 March 2017, at 14:10 - Wednesday 15 February 2017, at 15:30

Paul Lysaker er klinisk psykolog ved Indiana University School of Medicine og praktiserende klinisk psykolog ved Roudebush VA Medical Center. Han er desuden en særdeles aktiv forsker, som har udgivet omkring 300 artikler i peer-reviewed tidsskrifter. Hans forskning er internationalt anerkendt og spænder over mange områder såsom meta-kognition, livshistorier og identitet blandt personer med svære psykiske lidelser.


Many adults with serious mental illness experiences difficulties forming complex and integrated ideas about themselves and others and using the information to decide how to respond to psychiatric and psychosocial challenges. These difficulties, referred to as meta-cognitive deficits have been found to predict both concurrent and future impairments in both intrinsic motivation and negative symptoms. From a recovery perspective they also interfere with patients abilities to form the kinds of cohesive and coherent sense of self needed for patients to direct their own recovery. This presentation will review research supporting this perspective and present information about an emerging form of individual integrative psychotherapy, Metacognitive Reflective and Insight Therapy, designed to target metacognitive disturbances. Results of case work, qualitative and quantitative studies offering initial support for this treatment will be presented.

Arrangeret af: Dorthe Kirkegaard Thomsen Center on Autobiographical Memory Research (Con Amore), Department of psychology, Aarhus University & Tine Holm Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital, Risskov.

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