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Guest researchers 2018
5 January - 5 February
PhD Student Hédi Ben Malek, University of Strasbourg (France)
4 April - 5 April
Dr. Julie Krans, Radboud University (The Netherlands)
23 April - 24 April
Assistant Professor Karl Szpunar, University of Illinois at Chicago (USA)
15 May - 16 May
Assistant Professor William Dunlop, University of California (USA)
23 May - 21 June
PhD Student Shira Taube-Dayan, University of Haifa (Israel)
1 June - 31 August
Professor David Rubin, Duke University (USA)
4 June - 29 June
Professor Rick Hoyle, Duke University (USA)
18 June - 19 June
Dr Celia Harris, Macquarie University (Australia)
18 June - 22 June
Postdoc Krystian Barzykowski, Jagiellonian University (Poland)
18 June - 22 June
PhD Student Emily Hards, University of Reading (UK)
22 June - 25 June
Dr Amee Baird, Macquarie University (Australia)
1 August - 30 September
Professor Ali Tekcan, Boğaziçi University (Turkey)
6 August - 31 August
Dr Jolene van der Kaap- Deeder, Ghent University (Belgium)
28 August - 13 September
PhD Student Heather Iriye, University of Sussex (UK)
13 September - 14 September
Dr. Jonathan Koppel, University of Portsmouth (UK)
29 October - 2 November
Dr. Elaine Kinsella, University of Limerick (Ireland)
31 October - 10 January 2019
Dr. Maria Semkovska, University of Limerick (Ireland)
Revised 13.11.2023