Youth Consumption of Opioids

A study of opioid use among youth in Denmark.


The aim of the project is to map the use of opioids among young people in Denmark, as well as to identify opportunities and challenges associated with treatment and prevention. Additionally, the aim of the project is to generate new and relevant knowledge in the fields of prevention, treatment, and harm reduction.


In Denmark, there has been a growing concern regarding the use of opioids among young people. Reports from drug treatment providers, clinicians, and others working with young people indicate an increasing use of opioids such as Tramadol, Dolol, Fentanyl, and Oxycodone among young people in Denmark. Furthermore, a survey conducted in the spring of 2023 revealed that employees in 15 municipalities have observed an increase in children and teenagers using opioids. This survey was conducted by the Danish schools, social services police (SSP) system for the Danish Health Authority, with participation from 63 out of 98 municipalities in Denmark. Experiences from USA and Canada underscore the importance of timely action in order to effectively address the challenges associated with young people's opioid use.

The study

The study is conducted as a Rapid Explorative Mapping of young people's opioid use. The project consists of two sub-studies:

1) a survey involving professionals and other key individuals who have contact with young people and knowledge of opioids, and

2) a mapping of young people’s trajectories into and out of opioid use as well as the implications of opioid use for young people.


The study is conducted in close collaboration with selected municipalities and authorities in Denmark.