The results of the study will generate new knowledge that the prisons can use when planning and implementing resocializing programs in a way that offers the inmates a better chance of making use of these programs.
Participation in resocialization programs has been highlighted from the perspective of users and therapists, but we lack studies that uncover the barriers for inmates who do not participate in e.g. substance abuse treatment, even though they are in the target group for this.
Nordic qualitative studies have shown that attending e.g. drug and alcohol treatment while in prison may be motivated by the wish to distance oneselve from a lifestyle of crime and problematic substance use. For others, it's a way to cope with the prison stay and seek protection from the more brutal and violent environment that sometimes characterize the regular wards in prison. However, several studies show that serving time in a treatment unit can be associated with “lower status”. In a prison, there are hierarchies and special norms that affect inmates’ everyday lives and the choices they make. If an inmate’s reputation is compromised, or an inmate is bullied or threatened by attending treatment or education, it can be a barrier to participation.
Based on this, PhD student Luna Kragh-Andersen will investigate whether norms and hierarchies among inmates in Danish prisons create barriers to their participation in resocializing services during imprisonment.
Luna Kragh Andersen is conducting a survey among men and women in Danish open and closed prisons, both those who participate and those who do not participate in resocialization programs. Before starting the survey, she will conduct a series of qualitative interviews with inmates, prison officers and therapists to adapt the questionnaire and ensure that all relevant themes are covered.
The project runs from February 2022 to January 2025.
The PhD project is funded by the BSS Graduate School, Aarhus University.