Peter Musaeus


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Peter Musaeus CV

Areas of expertise

  • Teacher Training
  • SOTL
  • Curriculum
  • Higher Education

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Enhancing University Teaching

Research aim: Improve teachers' modeling and decision-making in teaching, curriculum design, and assessment. Methods: Collaboration to map curriculum and model problems based on activating teaching principles.


1. Clinical Health Education: VR in psychiatry education, adaptive decision-making in simulation, dental reflective competencies. 

2. Curriculum Design: Computational thinking. 

3. SOTL: Collaboration.

Teaching activities

Teacher Training

PhD students Reflective Teaching

Pædagogisk konsultation

Job responsibilities

My work involves collaborating with educators, administrators, and students to improve university teaching. This often happens through research in pedagogical decision-making processes. The goal is to enhance teaching, curriculum design, and assessment using activating principles. I research clinical health science education, but also other fields of education. I offer pedagogical consultation, mentoring, and the development of teaching portfolios for professional development.

Selected publications

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