Piloting OurRelationship.dk

In Denmark, one out of five couples suffer from relationship distress and one in two marriages end in divorce. Despite this, less than one in ten couples, who are currently distressed in their relationship, have sought any type of traditional face-to-face couple therapy or counseling. The OurRelationship program is an 8-hour, web-based, primarily self-help program for developed in the US by Drs Brian Doss and Andrew Christensen. It has shown strikingly positive and long-term results in two large trials with American couples (Doss et al., 2016, Doss et al 2020). With the end goal of replicating initial US results, the current project conducts pilot and feasibility tests of the Danish translation of the program. We enroll 80 couples who are randomized to receive either the online self-help course (OurRelationship.dk) or an offline self-help course (the book “Pas på Parforholdet” by Mattias Stølen Due and a reader’s guidance). We measure effects of these two courses on relationship satisfaction, intimacy and individual mental health after program completion and at 3 months follow up. If results meet expectations of positive change in couples and feasible implementation in practice, we will pursue a full scale randomized controlled trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT04588012

Keywords: The OurRelationship program, Online intervention, Couple intervention, Relationship satisfaction, conflict communication, self-help.


Head of project:

Tea Trillingsgaard

Other associates:

Hanne Nørr Fentz, Josephine Støjberg, Mattias Stølen Due, Brian Doss, Andrew Christensen.