The study aims to:
In the United States and other countries, school-based brief interventions have showed promising effects in promoting healthy behaviors among adolescents. Particularly Motivational Interviewing (MI) has proven to be effective in helping students reflect on, and increase healthy choices in their daily living.
The project consists of two phases:
The study is taking place from July 2019 to July 2021
The study is funded by TrygFonden
Anette Søgaard Nielsen, Associate Professor, Syddansk Universitet
Jacob Fyhn Andrup Aastrup, SSP Horsens
Mads Uffe Pedersen, Professor, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research
Birgitte Thylstrup, Associate Professor, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research
Morten Hesse, Associate Professor, Center for Alcohol and Drug Research
University of Connecticut (UCONN) School of Medicine
Honorary Professor
Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research, Aarhus University